Monday, September 28, 2009

Taking pictures ~ Wow, a different world when it comes to Etsy!

I have been a picture snapping fool since Lilly, my 9 year old was born. I ALWAYS have a camera in my purse and try to capture all the important moments in our crazy, hectic life. Well, when I started my etsy site I thought, big deal, snap, download and we're done... not so much!

I'm learning a lot from my friends and from various forums but to no avail. I don't think the pictures are horrible but compared to many other sites I visit they look like my kids took them. Hmmmm... that's a thought, maybe they should start taking them. :) Well, my conundrum now is many of the items listed are already with their new owner and I can't retake the pictures and I'm trying to increase my listings on etsy. What's a girl to do?

I don't have a very expensive camera, I'll admit and I can't afford to go out a buy one that's all fancy-dancy. So, I will keep on keeping on and hope someone falls in love with the piece despite the "drivers-license" picture. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm willing to give it a shot - pardon the pun!

Friday, September 25, 2009

BUSTED by a 3 year old!!

As I've mentioned before I have four children. Three daughters, 9, 8, and 3 1/2. I also have a sone who's 1 1/2. All my kids have suffered from ear infections and have had tubes except for my son. So when the season hits, I know we're bound for ear infections. :( My 8 year-old was prescribed a nasty antibiotic that tasted horrible - I'll give her that but we've explained that her meds will take away all the boo-boos in her ear. She gags each time she takes it and again, I can't blame her!

The other morning I went up to get my shoes to go to the bus stop. I left her meds out for her to take and came back down surprised to see that she took it without hesitation. I congratulated her on being a big girl and she accepted my compliment until our 3 1/2 year old said, " She didn't take her medications mama, she squirted it down the sink!" Sophie looked at her little sister in amazement and couldn't believe she told on her. It was so funny but frustrating at the same time. Oh, the joys of motherhood! :)

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

School Bus DRAMA

As I've mentioned before I have four kids - two of which are in grade school. I also have a preschooler and a 1 year old. Well, the bus company is considering strike which means the 6,500 bus riders in our district will have to be driven to school. It makes for quite a mess. Hopefully, it will all work out but the thought of dragging all four in the car and getting my 3 year old to preschool is enough to pull my hair out! :/

I feel fortunate that we have the option of having such a good bus driver and I do agree that they deserve more money than they earn. I'm also frustrated with my school district that they don't have a back-up plan. The big girls think they don't have to go to school - (who could blame them?)

So, let's keep our fingers crossed that all works out well! :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Welcome to my world!

I have 4 kids, who I adore. Today is a raining, cold, chilly day. I've tried to get a lot of things set up for my etsy shop but to no avail. It's OK though because I know I'll get it done SOME day! :) I love making jewelry and love the craft a lot. It allows me to be creative and sink into another dimension. I would love for you to see what I've accomplished so far. The feedback has been great! Please check out my esty site at I would love to here what you have to say! Have a wonderful day!